Horse solariums | Riding mirrors | Kick walls | Arena leveller
Products for the furnishing of equestrian properties
High-quality and horse-friendly equipment
When selecting the right equipment for your riding facility, we focus on quality, functionality and ease of use, as well as maximum safety for rider and horse. In our professional consultation, we select the right equipment for you based on your needs and budget.

Horse solariums for powerful & healthy horses
Increasing demands are being placed on a horse solarium in terms of functionality and cost-effectiveness. WARENDORFER SOLARANLAGEN and SUNLIGHT SOLARANLAGEN have been setting the tone in this area for a long time.

Indoor riding mirror + outdoor riding mirror with DIAMOND SYSTEM®
Safety for rider and horse. The DIAMOND SYSTEM® is the proven technology for shatterproof riding mirrors.

Kick wall CURVE
The kick wall CURVE is characterized by its elegantly curved shape as well as its high impact resistance and long-lasting functionality.
The board elements are individually cut to width for use in lunging halls and horse walkers.

Arena leveller
Arena leveller is suitable for indoor and outdoor arenas, in the lunging circle and in the horse walker. Depending on the construction and condition of the riding surface, different models of arena leveller are available.